The longest journey begins with one stumble
So as I fumble my way along the curtains, looking for an opening, I seem
to be bumping into all sorts of people and websites, apps and downs.
What do I hope to accomplish here?
Outdated teaching methods (education is the Amish of the business world)
don't fit the dynamic possibilities of technology, and the energy and
restlessness of today's kids. How can we help them to learn when they're
already on information overload?
Apprenticeship worked well way back when all people had was a very
narrow view of life. People pursued their interests within their limited
options. But now they see everything. What do they need to learn?
What do they want to learn? And how do we stop education from killing
that natural curiosity?
You want to know what a "chenille" is? It'll take you 20 seconds to
find out. But who gave you the idea to investigate "chenille".
I was told that Blogging would be an important part of my Flipped
Classroom efforts (thanks a lot McSquared!), so here I am, watch me run,
watch me fall, watch me crawl... Like a chenille.
You're welcome, and I will be watching you as I do my own stumble/fall/curse/get back up daily routine. I see you joined the ning! Welcome!